Sheryl Green


Horsham Probus Group: The Special Duties Squadrons and the Intelligence Agencies they served - 3rd April 2025

Members Only Event

Shoreham Airport Society: 'Brothers in Arms - 16th April 2025

For further details on how to book please email: [email protected]

Worthing WI: Women from around the world who worked for the Allies during World War Two - 7th May 2025

Members Only Event

Horsham Arun Forest Probus Group: 'The Special Duties Squadrons of WW2 and the Intelligence Agencies they served in WW2 - 14th May 2025

For further details please email: [email protected]

Yapton and Ford Local History Group: 'The Special Duties Squadrons and the secret services they supported during WW2 - 7th July 2025

Members Only Event

Shipley History Society: Female agents from around the world who worked for the Allies in WW2 - 23rd October 2025

For further details please email: [email protected]

Billingshurst Probus Group - 9th February 2026

Who was the real James Bond?

Members Only Event

Previous Events
Cardiff and County Club: Who was The Real James Bond? - 12th January 2023

This talk by Sheryl Green on the intelligence career of Ian Fleming, and the colleagues and contemporaries who were his influence for James Bond, was very well supported by the members of the Cardiff & County Club , with the largest audience since before the pandemic, at over sixty attending!

Sheryl's talk was fascinating and hugely entertaining and enthusiastically received by her audience and she has been invited back to give another talk later this year. Sheryl’s ability to hold an audience spell bound for over an hour is a rare gift! I suspect she will become a regular presenter at the Club for many years to come!

Dan Clayton-Jones - Chairman of the Cardiff & County Club

Thatcham Festival; Who was The Real James Bond? - 8th October 2023

An unforgettable evening with the brilliant Sheryl Green, an inspirational speaker and expert in the secret realm of intelligence operations during World War Two. 

Sheryl's presentation was full of the fascinating connections and stories that shaped the iconic character of James Bond. She took the audience on a thrilling journey, unravelling the mysteries of Ian Fleming's role in Naval Intelligence and the extraordinary individuals he encountered during the war, and reveals how James Bond's daring exploits might have been inspired by real-life heroes and villains of World War Two.

Whether you're a die-hard 007 fan or just curious about the hidden world of intelligence, this themed talk is a real eye-opener!

The Annual Conference for The Secret WW2 Learning Network - 20th October 2023

"Sheryl presented two of her talks to an informed audience that could be relied upon to already know something about the subjects and raise questions accordingly. Both presentations were very well-received, with excellent feedback, and were delivered professionally and authoritatively. We would definitely use Sheryl again and we highly recommend her." - Paul McCue, Executive Trustee, SECRET WW2 - The Secret WW2 Learning Network

Tangmere Local History Group: Special Duties Squadrons and Intelligence services of WW2 - 16th November 2023

For further details please email: [email protected]

A return visit to the Friends of Surrey Infantry Museum: Who was the Real James Bond? - 22nd November 2023

For further details please email: [email protected]

Sussex Association of Naval Officers: Women from around the world who worked as secret agents for the Allies in WW2 - 20th January 2024

Members only event

Shoreham Airport Society: The war’s greatest air partnership: Pickard and Broadley - 20th March 2024

The subject of the presentation given by Mrs Sheryl Green on the 20/03/24, on this occasion was "The war's greatest partnership, The Story of Pick Pickard and his loyal Navigator John Alan Broadley". Sheryl began with a clear resumé of their family and aviation background including stories of their joint operations during the war and their growing friendship. In the second half she gave a detailed account of the Jericho Raid on Amiens Prison including the controversy surrounding it.

 We were expecting a good talk, but this was exceptional and held the attention of the audience throughout the entire evening. Sheryl must have spent many hours gathering all the facts and it was very much appreciated by all the members. Everyone was greatly impressed by her knowledge. We would be very pleased to welcome Sheryl back next year for another talk. I can thoroughly recommend Sheryl as an excellent speaker. JIm Peters, Chairman - Shoreham Airport Society

Walberton History Group: Women from around the world who worked as secret agents for the Allies in WW2 - 28th March 2024

Walberton History Group had an excellent talk to the members by Sheryl Green on 28/03/24. The subject was; "WW2 Female Allied Agents from around the World", a fitting subject for International Woman's Day which was 08/03/24.

This talk was very interesting and informative and a tribute to those brave women who gave their lives for our freedom. The attendance was excellent which demonstrated the level of interest there was on the subject. Our group will certainly have her back. Vince Cooper - WHG Chairman

Walberton History Group: Who was the real James Bond? - 25th April 2024

Private Event

Sheryl returned to the group to reveal some of the fascinating connections and stories that shaped the iconic character of James Bond.

Renaissance WI: Female Agents who spied for the Allies during WW2 - 10th October 2024

For further details please email: [email protected]

Association of Jewish Veterans and the Secret World War 2 Learning Network: book launch for Diana Mara Henry's 'I am André', The Special Forces Club, London - 22nd October 2024

Private Event

Southwater History Group: Women from around the world who worked as secret agents for the Allies in WW2 - 4th November 2024

Members Only Event

Rustington and District Anglo French Circle: Tangmere et la Resistance française: les escadrilles secrètes de la RAF et les agences de renseignement qu'elles ont servies - 12th November 2024

Members Only Event

Billingshurst Probus Group: Women from around the world who worked as secret agents for the Allies in WW2 - 2nd December 2024

Members Only Event

Rustington and District Anglo-French Circle: 'De Grands Héros de la Résistance' - 14th January 2025

Members Only Event

Bramber Historical Society: 'The Special Duties Squadrons and the secret services they supported during WW2 - 5th February 2025

Members Only Event

RAF National Service Veterans, Arundel: The Special Duties Squadrons and the Intelligence agencies they supported - 12th February 2025

For further details please email: [email protected]